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"Langue il fior su l'arsa sponda" (Vivaldi) Ann Hallenberg

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"Langue il fior su l'arsa sponda" (Vivaldi)Ann Hallenberg with Modo Antiquo under the direction of Federico Maria SardelliLangue il fior su l'arsa spondaPerché il sol seccata ha l'ondaCol cocente suo splendor.Ma l'istesso Sole ancoraChe nel Cile fa uscir l'AuroraLa ristora col suo amor.The flower droops on the arid shore.For the sun has dried out the watersWith its burning rays.But that same sunWhich brings forth dawn from the skyWill revive the flower with its love.CD available from Naïve: on the artists: in the video by Daniel Ridgway Knight (1839-1924).

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