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En m'inscrivant, je reconnais avoir lu et compris les Conditions d'utilisation du Réseau et j'accepte de m'y conformer Conditions: http://ning.it/jXzMfX
Vos centres d'intérêts / votre domaine d'activités
Art projects, garments, designing, colour, balance, energy, fashion photography,photography
Définissez-vous de manière succincte
I love creating beautiful clothing for women who cant resist feeling fabulous in beautiful fabrics. I live in Coromandel , NZ and have worked creating indoor and outdoor pieces in multi media for a number of years. I have Exhibited my multi media pieces in Florence Biennale, Italy in December 2007, and have had my own work in various galleries around NZ. I recently opened my Boutique Gallery where I also represent a number of selected artists
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Really romantic's.
tadeusz Robert Pirschel.
Very nice day
Tadeusz Robert PIRSCHEL